2004-05-26 | 2:31 a.m.
kill me, kill me now.

ARGH! This is my saddest day. Why is because that !!! is a real band. May they choke on it. Love, Jane.

PS If you like !!!, I have three tickets to their show for you. Yes, you have to pay me for them.

... say something, anything (4)

2004-05-26 | 12:39 a.m.
but I didn't commit no crime

Your Horoscope For May 26, 2004:The secret to surviving this difficult day lies in not taking on more than you are capable of handling. Don�t make promises without careful consideration.

That is not a very promising horoscope. Yesterday's was butt as well.

Last night I had, for the first time in years, I'd say, a dream where people were nice to me. Honestly, every dream I ever remember has people I know and love in real life being very mean to me. I have a sleep-induced persecution complex. Ooh, there was that one dream where Josh Hartnett cancelled a party to play pinball with me. I bet somewhere else in that dream someone was mean, though.

Anyway, in this good dream, this boy from high school (who is now married and who I haven't seen in 8 years or so) sent me a ticket to some really hard to get into Cure concert. He sent it via express mail, which was weirdly instant rather than express, as the delivery man handed it to me as I walked out of a library (?) where I had just bought tickets (which had just gone on sale that very second) myself. So I had all these Cure tickets, all to the same show. Which was kind of bad luck, since there were like 10 shows. But it was good luck that the tickets were way cheaper than I thought. And a funny thing in the package from Man was a note saying, "I tried to get you Joel Plaskett's autograph, but Joe Simpson [his friend, I guess?] screwed it up. Sorry!"

And I laughed when I read it, because, dude, I don't really need Joel Plaskett's autograph.

Yes, it was magic.

This is a dumb story, but I thought it was pretty exciting to not have anyone be anything but nice to me in a dream.

You'd think I'd wake up to a job, but not so much. I woke up to my internet access being out and a zillion things to do, but it worked out fine.

Work out fine! Ahaha! Oh man.

OK, maybe now I go to bed.

Oops, I forgot the most interesting part.

"Don't you always. I certainly hope so," you are thinking.

"Fuck you," I am saying.

No, but really. So in the Village Voice, someone named "!!!" is playing on 6/18 at the Bowery Ballroom. And so we think that can't be a band name (watch, I am totally out of it and they are the hottest thing) and instead it means, "Ooh secret show!" So if it is a band name, I'm seeing them 6/18, because I had to get tickets. It might be any number of magical awesomes who I love. I wonder when I find out.

... say something, anything (1)


I love you/You pay my rent

everything she wants

they said they were friends of mine

more more more

moving on over - 11:17 a.m. , 2004-06-14

something's always wrong - 3:30 p.m. , 2004-06-09

I feel like I won the cup - 10:16 a.m. , 2004-06-08

you never give me (my) money - 12:11 a.m. , 2004-06-05

raise your voice in celebration of the days that we have wasted - 2:26 p.m. , 2004-06-02

superhot DDYW logo by THE FAN